Sidabutar Suni & Associates

Sidabutar Suni & Associates (SSNA)

is a full-service corporate and commercial law office based in Jakarta, Indonesia. We offer our clients premium corporate legal services, with a personal touch.

Our Practice Areas

Foreign Direct Investment

Establishment of Foreign Investment Company (PMA Company) and Representative Office; Amendment to PMA Company’s Data & Project; Application of Business Licenses; Submission of Periodical Investment Activity Report; Other Legal Compliance Related to Investment Company; Merger; Acquisition; Spin Off; Dissolution & Liquidation.


Employment Agreement; Company Regulation & Collective Labor Agreement; Employer and Employee’s Rights & Obligations; Manpower & Health Social Security; Outsourcing & Subcontracting; Manpower Mandatory Reporting & Other Employer Reporting Obligation; Labor Unions; Employment Relationship Termination; Employment Dispute.

General Trading

Wholesale; Retail; Agency; Distributorship; Consumer Protection; Labelling; Health, Safety & Standardisation Obligations.

Intellectual Property Rights

Search, Registration/Recordation and Extension (where applicable) of Trademark, Copyright, Patent, Trade Secret, Industrial Design, Layout Design of Integrated Circuits; Franchise; Licensing.

Our Services

Business Structuring & Company Establishment

Document / Agreement Negotiation & Drafting

Due Diligence & Document Review

Foreign Investment Advice

Permits &

Visa &
Permit Stay


Managing Partner

As a licensed Indonesian advocate who has deep understanding on corporate transactions, actions, litigations and elements, Tiar is now a Managing Partner of Sidabutar Suni & Associates or SS&A. He started his career journey in a well established law firm which handled numerous challenging transactions and cases and while still engaged in the firm, he also worked closely with LIPPO Group, IDX and many new comers in FINTECH industries.

Our Valued Clients